Pickleball Health – The Positive and Negative

Invented in 1965 in Bainbridge Island, Washington, pickleball has gained popularity during the pandemic, growing 14.8% between 2020 and 2021. Pickleball popularity is at an all-time high and is the fastest growing sport in the U.S. According to the 2022 Sports & Fitness Industry report, more than half (52%) of core players—those who play eight or more times a year—are 55 or older, and almost a third (32.7%) are 65-plus.  While the average age of players is now in the mid-thirties, more and more seniors are getting involved.  With more seniors involved, there are some positive and negative things about playing pickleball you should be aware of.

The Positive – Longevity due to being Active and Socializing

Being physically active is important for any age, especially those who are getting close to or in their golden years.

C.D. Kim, MD, of Columbus, Ohio, recently said this: “Given the rising popularity of pickleball in Columbus, I think that recent peer-reviewed studies linking racket sports (Pickleball) to healthy longevity may be recognized by the community, particularly for the senior population. As a retired physician who spent many years regularly playing tennis and, more recently, pickleball, I can attest to the health benefits of those sports. Although in my early 80s, I remain quite active physically and mentally without any illnesses.”

A recent study from LiveScience shows people who are physically active are 20% more likely to live longer than those who do not do any physical activity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. Since most seniors who play Pickleball do so on average two to three times a week. Typically, they play 1.5 hours per session which averages 225 minutes per week.

Additionally, a Mayo Clinic study (Mayo Clinic Proceedings) found that playing sports, increased the life expectancy of participants by between 6 and nearly 10 years, wow! Not only did the study show a positive effect due to physical activity, but more so from social interaction.

Other benefits may include, weight loss, better diabetes control, reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and it strengthens your heart.

While physical exercise is very important, some studies suggest that socialization may be just as beneficial for longevity. Pickleball is a great way to make new friends and have fun, so find a place that offers open play and show up. You may be surprised at what you will discover.   Studies have shown that isolation is associated with an increased risk of dementia, depression, and premature death. Without daily and weekly purposes in our lives, it can be hard to make new friends. A study of 36 pickleball players over the age of 65, published in World Leisure Journal, shows those older adults who maintained the social connections through the sport of Pickleball and continued to play on a weekly/monthly schedule, reported an improvement in the way they feel mentally and are happier. Another study showed that those older adults who competed in pickleball tournaments had a low level of depression. Playing Pickleball can help restore a sense of purpose and improve quality of life.

Click here for a list of recommended places to play in Williamson County TN.

The Negative – Strains and Sprains

The benefits of playing pickleball are numerous, increased longevity and socialization are the two most beneficial for older adults. While enjoying the fun, friendship and fellowship, there is something lurking in the depths of those green, blue, and varnished courts. Something so sinister that we must protect ourselves from it, pickleball-related injuries!

According to a Fortune.com article (Pickleball injuries may cost nearly $400 million this year | Fortune Well) from June 27, 2023, “Over 36 million Americans played the sport at least once in 2022, and this week, UBS estimated pickleball will continue to grow by 150% in 2023. While the sport of pickleball has served as an important social and physical activity outlet for seniors, it may also be contributing to more injury-related health care costs. In an analysis released this week, UBS estimates that the cost of pickleball-related injuries in 2023 will climb to $377 million, with the majority due to out-patient care.”

Statics show, about 60 percent of pickleball injuries were strains, sprains and fractures, and 85 percent of those visiting emergency rooms were over the age of 60. Wrist and lower leg injuries are the most common, followed by head, lower trunk, ankle, knee, and shoulder. Injuries were due to slips, trips, falls and dives.

Prior to playing, ensure you are wearing the proper gear and you have warmed up.

10 Most Common Pickleball Injuries

Source: Non-fatal senior pickleball and tennis-related injuries treated in United States emergency departments, 2010–2019, Injury Epidemiology.

Prevent Pickleball injuries by wearing the proper gear.

Whether you play indoors or outdoors, dress comfortably for the environment you play in.

  • Pickleball Shoes – Caring for your feet is essential in Pickleball. Injuries to your feet and ankles will prevent you from playing so wearing properly fitting court shoes is a must.  Normal running shoes are extremely dangerous to play in and may cause you to twist your ankle or fall. Running shoes are not designed for lateral movements, which means going straight forward. They are lightweight, flexible and have very little support on the sides. This type of shoe is not designed nor recommended for pickleball. You need a shoe that is non-skid, non-marking soles, good arch support, and breathable mesh. We recommend Sketchers Men’s Viper Court and Sketchers Women’s Viper Court shoes, which can be purchased at Amazon, by click the link.
  • Pickleball Shirts – It’s important to choose a shirt that stretches, has great ventilation, and has moisture-wicking properties. A proper fitting shirt allows you to move freely yet does not impede or get in the way of your swing. Click here for some fun shirt options, which can be purchased at Amazon, by click the link.
  • Pickleball Shorts, Skirts and Skorts Choose a material made of breathable fabric. While most are made of polyester or cotton, most people prefer polyester because it feels good, dries quickly, and has moisture-wicking properties. It’s all about comfort with a little style mixed it. Click here for some men’s and women’s activewear options. (Which can be purchased at Amazon, by click the link)
  • Pickleball Hats – Visors or hats are important to wear when playing pickleball, especially outdoors. They protect the face from sunburn, reduce glare and prevent sweat from running into your eyes. Pickleball players should wear a hat, indoors and outdoors, because it’s an essential part of the game! Click here from some fun hat options, which can be purchased at Amazon, by click the link.
  • Pickleball Socks – Caring for your feet includes wearing the proper socks. You need to keep your feet dry and clean while playing. Wear a pair of crew socks that provide soft texture, moisture-wicking, and durability. Wearing the proper socks will help absorb shocks and keep you comfortable all through the game. We recommend the Pickleball Sock by OS1st, which can be purchased at Amazon, by click the link.

Exercises to help prevent pickleball injuries.

To avoid injuries, which will limit or prevent you from playing, it’s extremely important that you take 5 -10 minutes to warm up prior to playing pickleball. 

An AARP article written by Elizabeth Marglin, September 27, 2023 (Read the full article here: 7 Exercises to Help You Avoid Pickleball Injuries (aarp.org)) provides seven helpful warm up exercises to do prior to playing pickleball. They are:

March in place (1 minute)
Squats (10 -15)
Reverse lunges (5 per leg)
Kickers (5 per side)
Trunk rotations (5 per side)
Chest openers (10 times)
Swim strokes
Hamstring Stretch: Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you
Calf Stretch: Stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall at shoulder height

The sport of Pickleball has also seen a recent trend in injuries to the Plantar Fascia resulting in Plantar Fasciitis. Whether you have plantar fasciitis or not, always ice the arches of your feet before and after playing.  Speaking from experienc