A Guide to Pickleball Etiquette


As the game of Pickleball continues to attract players of all ages, it’s essential to understand and adhere to proper pickleball etiquette to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone on the court. Let’s explore the unwritten rules and guidelines that govern the game, promoting sportsmanship and camaraderie.

Court Entry and Exit

When arriving at a pickleball court, it’s essential to respect players already engaged in a game. Wait until there’s a break or until the end of the game before entering the court. Likewise, if you’re leaving the court, do so swiftly and efficiently, so as not to disrupt ongoing play.

Scoring Announcements

After each point, it’s customary to announce the score loud enough for everyone to hear. This not only keeps all players informed but also ensures that there are no disputes over the score during the game. Clear communication minimizes confusion and contributes to a more harmonious playing experience.

Ball Etiquette

Pickleball balls seem to have a mind of their own. They might end up in your court, or your ball might stray into other courts. Never run onto another court during play to retrieve your ball, always announce loudly to those players,” Ball on the court!”. When you run onto another court you risk injury to you and the other players.  When you announce,” Ball on the court!” to those players, you are protecting them f